I chose Home Away, a Marketplace website.
HomeAway.com the ap is the same 
1. Objective is to connect property owners that are interested in renting out their homes to those that are looking to rent.
2. Intended response or primary conversion is posting or listing the items or in this case the property for rent and the purchaser to pay to rent the property. The secondary conversion is creating an account, for both parties. 
3. Primary audience for Home Away is those that are planning a vacation. Home Away connects those looking for a more intimate place to stay, to the more than 1 million properties being rented on their site. Their slogan is "Get HomeAway from it all". The site is visited by mostly women with a college or graduate degree during work hours. Given this information, one can assume the target audience is vacationing families, that need more space than a hotel room provides.

4. E-Commerce. Yes HomeAway.com and the Home Away Ap does utilize e-commerce all transactions including payments, information and bookings are done online.
5. Ways to increase traffic to the HomeAway site may be to utilize advertisements, when people search for VRBO (vacation rental by owner). Statistics show that 31.82% used keyword search "VRBO" while only 8.51% used keyword "homeway". Home Away's primary site traffic comes from the US with 59.5%, France provided the second highest at a mere 6.7%. Increasing advertising in Europe is also a possiblity.



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